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Home / News / Mid-Week Potter to Bembridge Thursday 9th May
Home / News / Mid-Week Potter to Bembridge Thursday 9th May

Mid-Week Potter to Bembridge Thursday 9th May

Published 19:08 on 12 May 2024

A change of venue as another club got in first at Wootton Creek this year, however Brading Haven Yacht Club (BHYC) proved to be an excellent alternative. Six boats made the trip across. A beautiful warm, sunny day, though for most of the yachts this meant motoring or motor sailing as there was little wind.

We were welcomed by the BHYC Commodore, Vice Commodore and Rallies Manager, after which thirteen of us sat down to an excellent lunch - and lots of chat. Some of us with deep draught vessels had one eye on the time in order to get over the entrance bar before the ebb made this impossible. A leisurely walk back across the causeway was taken by those staying overnight whilst a speedy departure for those not staying was facilitated by use of the ferry between the Yacht Club and Duver Marina.

Many thanks to Derrick Higton for organising this excellent and most enjoyable event in Bembridge Harbour.

John Ainsworth

Last updated 15:28 on 13 June 2024

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