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Home / News / Spring Launches - Job done!
Home / News / Spring Launches - Job done!

Spring Launches - Job done!

Published 08:42 on 10 May 2024

The Lift Managers would like to thank all the volunteers who have supported the recent lifts and launches. Without you it could not be done. The last three boats from the spring lift/launch were launched today and the gravel area has been tidied ready for the summer.

Members also deserve a big thank you . The cooperation over carparking enables the lift launch operation to run smoothly and at times the grass has been busy but anyone wishing to go sailing overnight has always been accommodated with a space in the carpark.

That is it now until we start again in October. Look out for the opening of winter lift applications in July if you want a winter lift or a winter berth on a Weevil pontoon.

The Lift / Launch Team

Last updated 18:22 on 2 July 2024

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