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Home / MEMBERS SECTION / Moorings Matters / Sublets


POG members can take advantage of the Club's Sublet scheme, whereby a mooring that is not required by its permanent holder for an extended period of time can be re-allocated by the moorings team to a member seeking a better mooring than their POG number permits, such as pontoon berth. As per permanent moorings, allocation of sublets is by POG number, but the waiting list is generally much shorter.


Annual Sublet (ASL)

The ASL applies when members take their boat away form POG for one or two whole years (April to March), either for a long voyage or other reasons. With an ASL, they can retain their mooring with no mooring fees, as the moorings team will sublet it for that period to someone else. For members seeking a better mooring, an ASL is often the quickest way of getting a nicer berth for a full season or two. Annual sublets cannot be offered for more than 2 consecutive years. For full details see Standing Orders, section A4.

Part Year Sublet (PYSL)

Very occasionally a mooring becomes available part-way through a season (April-Oct) for the rest of the year; in this case the mooring is made available as a Part Year Sublet (PYSL). For full details see Standing Orders, section A5.

Short Term Sublet (STSL)

If a members vacates their berths for 21 days or more, but less than a full year, they should offer it as a STSL. If the berth is successfully sublet, the permanent Mooring Holder will receive payment for the STSL period from the member taking up the sublet. STSLs can only be arranged within the April-Oct season. For full details see Standing Orders, section A6.

To offer a Sublet

To offer an ASL, contact the moorings team between July and December in the year prior to the sublet.

A PYSL will be automatically arranged by the moorings team when they are informed that the mooring is no longer required for the remainder of the year. Please inform the moorings team as soon as it is known that the mooring is to be vacated.

To offer a STSL, contact the moorings team as soon as the period when the mooring will be available is known.

To apply for a Sublet

Members indicate their willingness to take a ASL/PYSL and/or a STSL on the Mooring Preferences Application.

Last updated 15:28 on 13 June 2024

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